Reasons to Choose Housing from LNTPA Members?

Reasons to choose housing from LNTPA members?

  1. LNTPA members initiate and share knowledge at the event “Būsto mugė“ (Housing Fair) – twice a year – in spring and autumn – a public and open event is organized for people who are actively interested in housing market and looking for the place to live in. During the event, the latest real estate projects in Vilnius will be presented in one place, lectures on housing selection, management, financing, investment and installation will be given.
  2. LNTPA members contribute to the development of the Housing Guide. An electronic guide for home buyers, which include the most important knowledge about housing choice – how to properly understand the city’s general plans, housing passport, energy performance certificates, calculate the value of housing and many other tips.
  3. LNTPA members share their knowledge and current market information on their websites and video blogs – information about various aspects of real estate first hand.
  4. LNTPA members understand the importance of public trust. Therefore, all members are committed to the Code of Honor and to competing fairly, thus maintaining the highest standards of openness and trust.

Why buy housing “from drawings”?

The first, and biggest advantage of buying an undeveloped home is the ability to customize the spaces according to your needs and coordinate it with the builder before the construction phase, free of charge or at minimal cost.

Second – a much larger choice of housing in the same house or location, if the whole block is built at once.

Third, while your house is under construction, you have enough time to think abut interior desing, consider finishing materials, interior styling, colors, and other details that reflect you and your lifestyle, and find the financially best option to accomplish that. You would not normally be able to do this if you bought an already built house in order to settle in it as soon as possible.

However, it is necessary to assess the builder’s experience and ability to implement the planned project.

Reliable builders provides all information, communicate openly with the buyer, form good business practices, and feel responsible to the buyer and the city.

LNTPA unites responsible, experienced, and sustainable housing developers.